World Cafe Playlist for 03/19/2021

Fleet Foxes joins host Raina Douris
Robin Pecknold, leader of Fleet Foxes, was living in New York City and halfway through making the latest Fleet Foxes album when Covid changed everything last Spring. At first it was a struggle to work on the record, but then, thanks to a lot of time spent driving around in his car, the lyrics for the record started pouring out. He talks about being creative in tough times and we hear some live recordings of the songs.
*Paul Simon “She Moves On” Rhythm of the Saints
Fleet Foxes “Can I Believe You” Recorded Live for the World Cafe
Fleet Foxes “Featherweight” Recorded Live for the World Cafe
Fleet Foxes “I’m Not My Season” Recorded Live for the World Cafe
Fleet Foxes “Sunblind” Recorded Live for the World Café
The Lone Bellow “Dried Up River” Dried Up River (single)
Jack Johnson “The Horizon Has Been Defeated” On and On
The Weather Station “Tried to Tell You” Ignorance
Fleetwood Mac “Book of Love” Mirage
Morgan Wade “Wilder Days” Reckless
Johnny Cash “Ring of Fire” Ring of Fire
Hour Two
*Peter Tosh “Ketchy Shuby” Legalize It
Serena Ryder “Better Now” The Art of Falling Apart
Haim “Summer Girl” Women in Music Pt. III
Hiss Golden Messenger “Sanctuary” Quietly Blowing It
Phish “Sigma Oasis” Sigma Oasis
Illiterate Light & Devon Gilfillian “Freedom” Freedom (single)
R.E.M. “The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight” Automatic for The People
Lake Street Dive “Hypotheticals” Obviously
Rufus “You Got the Love “Rags to Rufus
Dr. Lonnie Smith “Sunshine Superman (feat. Iggy Pop)” Breathe
Sofia Valdes “Handful of Water” Ventura EP
World Party “Is it Like Today?” Bang
The War on Drugs “Red Eyes” Lost in the Dream
*Optional Song