11FebWorld Cafe Playlist for 02/11/2025Michael Kiwanuka joins host Stephen Kallao Michael Kiwanuka’s latest album, Small Changes, strips away excess
29NovWorld Cafe Playlist for 11/29/2024Michael Kiwanuka joins host Stephen Kallao Michael Kiwanuka’s new album, Small Changes, strips away excess
23JunWorld Cafe Playlist for 06/23/2020Encore: Michael Kiwanuka joins host Raina Douris If you’ve seen HBO’s Big Little Lies, then
22JanWorld Cafe Playlist for 01/22/2020Encore: Michael Kiwanuka joins host Raina Douris If you’re a fan of the HBO series,
20DecWorld Cafe Playlist for 12/20/2019Michael Kiwanuka joins host Raina Douris Michael Kiwanuka’s latest album Kiwanuka is being heralded as
01NovWorld Cafe Playlist For 11/01/2018Stream the complete show here Stella Donnelly joins host Talia Schlanger *Tom Petty – “You
01MarWorld Cafe Playlist For 3120183/1/2018Stream the complete show hereJorge Drexler joins Talia Schlanger On World CafeEurythmics – “Here Comes
08FebWorld Cafe Playlist For 02/08/2017 The J Geils*The J. Geils Band – “Ain’t Nothin’ But A House Party” – BloodshotThe New Pornographers
11AprWorld Cafe Playlist 41116 Tunes From MichaelWorld Cafe Playlist: 4/11/16Tunes from Michael Kiwanuka, Neko Case, Margaret Glaspy, Declan McKenna, Iggy Pop,
19MayTemples Joss Stone Ryley Walker MichaelTemples, Joss Stone, Ryley Walker, Michael Kiwanuka and more on today’s World Cafe playlist! The