World Cafe Playlist for 06/01/2023

Tom Rush and Abe Partridge join host Stephen Kallao
Tom Rush’s career spans over six decades. His covers of songs by Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, and James Taylor helped to introduce those artists to audiences across the country in the 1960s. Recently, Tom successfully crowdfunded his upcoming album using Kickstarter. On the next World Cafe, Tom Rush joins us for a mini concert from the stage of the 30A Songwriters Festival, courtesy of our friends at WMOT.
Listen to the session here.Today’s Playlist
The Byrds “Mr. Tambourine Man” Mr. Tambourine Man
Tracy Chapman “Talkin’ Bout A Revolution” Tracy Chapman
Tom Rush “URGE FOR GOING” WC Recording
Tom Rush “VOICES” WC Recording
Tom Rush “I QUIT” WC Recording
Tom Rush “No Regrets” The Circle Game
{Joni Mitchell “All I Want” Blue}
boygenius “Not Strong Enough” The Record
Phoenix “Lisztomania” Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Aimee Mann “Put Me On Top” Whatever
Spoon “Sister Jack” Gimme Fiction
Prince “Kiss” Parade
{Prince “I Would Die 4 U” Purple Rain}
Hannah Jadagu “What You Did” Aperture
Pixies “Monkey Gone To Heaven” Doolittle
Low Cut Connie “Are You Gonna Run?” Art Dealers
The Head and the Heart “Missed Connection” Living Mirage
Stephen Sanchez “Evangeline” Evangeline (single)
Hour Two
Sarah McLachlan “Blackbird” I Am Sam (soundtrack)
The Beatles “I’m Looking Through You” Rubber Soul
Abe Partridge “LOVE IN THE DARK” WC Recording
Abe Partridge “BEAUTIFUL” WC Recording
Abe Partridge “WHITE TRASH LIPSTICK” WC Recording
{The Nude Party “Astral Man” WC Recording}
Charlie Hall “Meet Me at Fagan’s” Invisible Ink
The War On Drugs “Red Eyes” Lost In The Dream
Maggie Rogers “Want Want” Surrender
Radiohead “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi” In Rainbows
{Julia Jacklin “Pool Party” WC Recording}
LCD Soundsystem “All My Friends” Sound Of Silver
The Cure “Boys Don’t Cry” Boys Don’t Cry
The Revivalists “Kid” Pour It Out Into The Night
The Suffers “Do Whatever” Everything Here